Wedding Samples Wedding Samples A slideshow containing images by photographer Katherine Solomon. Amanda & Judson 1/18 Amanda & Judson 2/18 Judson and His Father 3/18 Tina & Chris 4/18 Lia and Tom 5/18 Wedding Party 6/18 Lia and Tom 7/18 Lia 8/18 Emery 9/18 Emery 10/18 11/18 Juda & Sean 12/18 Logan Getting Ready 13/18 Logan and Adriana 14/18 Logan and Adriana 15/18 Ridley Scott Advertising Awards Gala 16/18 Ridley Scott Advertising Awards Gala 17/18 Ridley Scott Advertising Awards Gala 18/18 Previous Next Captions: fade +/- Lightbox Click an image to view it in the slideshow. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18